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waves break on colorfully painted wooden blocks. somewhere, someone is learning to write their name for the first time.

A digitally painted image. The background is a dreamlike jumble of differently textured colors flowing through the image, mostly pinks, purples, greens, yellows, and some blues. The right side of the canvas is taken up mostly by a humanoid head in a bright fuchsia, with shadows in a dark but vibrant blue. The head is at a three-quarters angle, and the person stares at the viewer. Their left eye is wide, and the iris is yellow. Their right eye is a sketched eye in a flat white, not painted like the rest of the person. This eye sheds similarly flat white tears. White cracks are spreading from the eye up the forehead. From the forehead, a single slightly curved horn juts out. The background colors flow around this head like a rainbow aura. On the left side of the image, a shape faintly like a seated canine or deer can be seen, apparently with a pair of folded bird wings on its back, but there isn't much detail and it's mostly a blob. Simple line drawings of teeth, stars, sparkles, and hearts cover the empty parts of the page in various colors. A mix of handwriting and cut out typed letters across the image read: The vastness of space and time given way to the edge of an insect's wing / scales just one cell thick / would I know you